Data Processing Agreement

If your business processes personal data, it is essential to have a Data Processing Agreement in place. Read on to understand the importance and significance of such an agreement.

What is a Data Processing Agreement?

A Data Processing Agreement is a legal contract between a data controller and a data processor. This agreement is crucial to ensure that all personal data are handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the data protection law. It establishes the specific terms and conditions for the processing of personal data and defines the responsibilities and obligations of both parties.

Why is it important?

A Data Processing Agreement is vital to protect your business and the individuals whose data you process. Without such an agreement, your business could face legal challenges and potential fines. It also helps maintain trust between your business and your customers or users.

How can assist?

At, we understand the importance of a Data Processing Agreement for our customers, especially those who store or process personal data on our servers. We offer to conclude a Data Processing Agreement to ensure that all personal data are processed legally and securely. The price to request a Data Processing Agreement with us is 1200 kr.

If you wish to enter into a Data Processing Agreement with, we are here to help and ensure that you and your business are covered in terms of data protection.

Order your Data Processing Agreement here